Nizam Shajani: A Dynamic Leader Inspiring Others and Leading by Example

Business leaders

Nizam believes true leadership extends beyond the firm, inspiring others by fostering a culture of excellence and innovation, while empowering team members to unlock their full potential

Nizam Shajani, a partner at Shajani CPA, has realized that true leadership extends far beyond the boundaries of their accounting firm. It transcends the realm of its daily operations and reaches out to the wider spectrum of its professional body and the communities they serve.

In his journey, Nizam has learned that being a partner in a professional services firm carries a profound responsibility to inspire others and empower them. This helps in unlocking their full potential and serves as an outstanding example within and beyond their professional capacity.

He firmly believes that leadership is not just about guiding the team and network of professionals; it is about cultivating a culture of excellence, integrity, and innovation that reverberates throughout the firm and resonates with its partners, clients, and society.

To inspire others, Nizam leads by example, consistently striving for excellence in everything he does. He embraces challenges head-on, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in adversity.

Nizam fosters an environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and continuous growth, allowing every team member to flourish and contribute their unique talents.

Moreover, he recognizes that leadership extends beyond the firm’s walls. It necessitates active involvement in their community, driving positive change and contributing to the advancement of the industry. He actively engages with professional organizations, seeking opportunities to share knowledge, mentor aspiring professionals, and shape the future of their field.

But it doesn’t stop there. He is committed to making a difference in the broader communities we are a part of. Through philanthropy and volunteerism, Nizam aims to catalyze positive change, leveraging his position and influence to address societal challenges and uplift those in need.

Effective Leadership Evolving through Circumstances

In today’s ever-changing landscape, effective leadership requires adaptability and a keen awareness of the environment in which we operate. As a leader, Nizam’s style continues to evolve, shaped by the circumstances we face.

He understands the significance of monitoring and responding to environmental changes at the macro and micro levels. This acute awareness allows him to make informed decisions and take swift action when necessary. Situational judgments become a cornerstone of his leadership approach, enabling Nizam to seamlessly transition from a visionary to a transformational leader, depending on the moment’s needs.

For instance, the unprecedented challenges brought about by the evolving COVID situation demanded immediate adjustments in the firm’s processes. In response, Nizam rallied the team, motivating them to innovate and drive organizational change while upholding their unwavering standards. Together, they embraced remote work, leveraged the power of Zoom meetings, implemented online signatures, and even spearheaded a dedicated research team to navigate the complex tax changes and benefits for their clients affected by the new realities. Crucially, Nizam and the team ensured that these changes were effectively communicated to their clients, fostering transparency and maintaining their trust.

He recognized the need to shift back to a visionary leadership style as time progressed. Nizam harnessed this approach to influence the firm’s mission and inspire the team to explore new ways to support their clients in achieving their aspirations. By encouraging a culture of innovation, fostering creativity, and promoting collaboration, they were able to forge ahead, addressing the evolving needs and aspirations of those we serve.

Nizam has remained committed to preserving their mission and values throughout this journey. While adapting to changing circumstances, he consistently upheld the highest standards of integrity, ensuring their actions aligned with their overarching purpose.

As a leader, he understands that the path to success is dynamic. It requires a dynamic and multifaceted approach that combines visionary thinking, transformative action, and an unwavering commitment to the firm’s mission. By embracing this evolving leadership style, he is confident they will continue to make a meaningful impact, surpassing expectations and inspiring others to reach new heights of excellence.

Investing Time and Effort to Become an Impactful Leader

Throughout his MBA journey, Nizam gained invaluable insights into the art of leadership, shaping his path toward becoming an impactful leader. He says, “One pivotal lesson that resonated deeply with me was the critical role of influence in driving effective leadership. I understood that influence is not bestowed upon a leader but requires a deliberate investment of time and effort.”

Putting this knowledge into practice, Nizam adopted a bottom-up approach to shaping the firm’s strategies and mission statement. Recognizing the collective wisdom and expertise of their team members, clients, and stakeholders, he took the time to engage in meaningful conversations, conducting interviews and actively listening to their aspirations and expectations. By valuing their input, Nizam fostered a sense of ownership and inclusivity, ensuring that the firm’s direction reflected the needs and desires of those they served.

This collaborative process extended beyond a one-time endeavor. Nizam says, “I understood the importance of continuous adaptation and relevance. I revisit this approach each year, conducting fresh interviews and seeking feedback to assess the evolving landscape. By doing so, we ensure that our strategies remain aligned with the ever-changing needs of our stakeholders and that our firm is equipped with the right team and resources to fulfill our purpose.”

Investing in influence is an ongoing commitment. Nizam is dedicated to cultivating relationships, building trust, and empowering others to contribute their unique perspectives. By doing this, he created an environment where every voice is heard, and their collective wisdom propels them forward.

As a leader, Nizam recognizes that true influence is not achieved through coercion or authority alone. It is earned through genuine care, empathy, and a deep understanding of the aspirations and needs of those we lead. By embodying these qualities and continuously seeking input, he fosters an environment of shared purpose and commitment to excellence.

Embracing the Realms of Real-World Practices and Academics

As a leader, Nizam firmly believes in combining academic knowledge with practical experience to fuel personal and professional growth. Throughout his journey, he has sought inspiration and guidance from a diverse range of sources, finding valuable influence in the realms of both academia and real-world practice.

His passion for continuous learning has led Nizam to immerse himself in books and journals, eagerly exploring the latest research and well-founded ideas. He found great joy in delving into the works of renowned thought leaders whose insights have shaped his leadership philosophy and approach.

Early in his career, Nizam discovered profound inspiration in the writings of John Kotter, particularly his influential books “Leading Change” and “A Sense of Urgency.” Kotter’s keen observations and strategic insights have equipped me with the tools to navigate complex organizational transformations, fostering a sense of urgency and galvanizing teams toward impactful change.

Another luminary who has deeply influenced his leadership journey is John Maxwell. Through his acclaimed book “How Successful People Lead,” Nizam learned invaluable lessons on effective leadership principles, including developing strong relationships, maximizing potential, and fostering a culture of growth and excellence.

David Maister’s seminal work, “The Trusted Advisor,” has been instrumental in shaping his understanding of the importance of building trust and cultivating deep relationships with clients and colleagues. Maister’s emphasis on integrity, empathy, and credibility has been ingrained in Nizam’s leadership style, guiding me to be a trusted advisor and partner to those he serves.

In his quest for a holistic perspective, Nizam found immense inspiration in the teachings of Tony Robbins. His transformative insights and motivational prowess have propelled him to explore the depths of personal development, empowering him to unleash his potential and inspire others to do the same. Robbins’ teachings have enriched Nizam’s understanding of human experience, infusing his leadership approach with compassion, empathy, and a relentless commitment to personal and collective growth.

By merging the knowledge and wisdom of these esteemed influencers with his own experiences, Nizam forged an informed and adaptive leadership style. He continuously seeks to integrate the latest research, best practices, and timeless principles into my approach, allowing me to lead with confidence, compassion, and unwavering purpose.

Embracing the Responsibilities

As a strong leader, Nizam wholeheartedly embraces the weight of responsibility entrusted to CPAs by the stakeholders they serve. He understands that their role extends far beyond the numerical aspects of their actions. He says, “We must consider the broader implications and the profound impact we have on those around us.”

In recognition of his leadership abilities, Nizam is honored to share that he has been nominated for a board position at CPA Alberta. This nomination speaks to his dedication and expertise in their field and the trust and confidence others have placed in me.

The company’s stakeholders expect the firm to operate with a keen awareness of the larger picture, going beyond short-term gains and focusing on long-term outcomes. By demonstrating the capacity to think holistically and anticipate the far-reaching effects of their decisions, they in still confidence and build unwavering trust.

Nizam’s diverse background, encompassing law, commerce, and finance, uniquely positions him to contribute to the Board significantly. This multidimensional expertise enables him to approach issues from multiple angles, offering a well-rounded perspective that aligns seamlessly with the Board’s requirements and strategic objectives.

Alberta’s representation must remain strong as the landscape evolves in other provincial bodies. Effective leadership necessitates a deep understanding of their members’ positions and the ability to garner influence to advance their interests in collaboration with these bodies. By actively engaging with the firm’s stakeholders, listening attentively to their needs, and empathizing with their concerns, the firm establishes solid foundations for robust relationships grounded in mutual respect and trust.

Nizam is deeply committed to delivering value that surpasses expectations. Achieving this requires profoundly comprehendingthe company’s stakeholders’ diverse needs, perspectives, and aspirations. It demands an unwavering dedication to active engagement, attentive listening, and genuine empathy. By aligning its actions with its expectations, the company can forge enduring relationships and create shared value far beyond the confines of financial metrics.

True leadership transcends the pursuit of immediate gains. It lies in the company’s ability to envision sustainable and inclusive outcomes that prioritize the well-being of all stakeholders, including their employees, customers, partners, and the communities it operates in. Taking a comprehensive view allows them to make informed decisions that prioritize the long-term interests of their stakeholders, even if it means making difficult choices that may not yield immediate benefits. The firm upholds its commitment to integrity, ethics, and responsible leadership.

Striving Through Challenges Driving Sustainable Success

As a seasoned leader, Nizam reflects upon the early years of his professional journey and recognizes the valuable lessons he learned along the way. One of the crucial things he realized was the tendency to unnecessarily strive to prove his worth. This manifested in his inclination to speak more than listen and to emphasize words rather than actions.

Nizam says, “Looking back, I now understand the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the saying, “Actions speak louder than words.” This simple yet profound principle would have been a primal challenge I wish I had embraced earlier in my career. We demonstrate our value as leaders through our actions, tangible efforts, and genuine impact.

Having grown wiser through experience, Nizam refined his leadership approach. Leading by example has become a cornerstone of his leadership philosophy. Nizam understands that his actions, conduct, and choicesprofoundly influence those around him. By embodying these qualities and behaviors,he wishes to inspire others,set the tone, and create a culture of excellence and integrity.

Moreover, Nizam has come to appreciate listening as a transformative tool. By actively seeking insights and understanding his team members’ and stakeholders’ true objectives and motivations, he was better equipped to lead effectively. This empathetic approach allows him to align his efforts, address concerns, and create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

In all his endeavors, Nizam prioritizes value-driven efforts. He has learned that focusing on delivering meaningful outcomes, contributing to the greater good, and making a positive impact drives sustainable success. He says,” By aligning our actions with core values and overarching goals, Inspire our team members and create a sense of purpose and fulfillment.”

Giving Out Vital Attributes

Nizam firmly believes certain attributes are indispensable in shaping one’s leadership style. He says, “Authenticity, self-awareness, strategic and critical thinking, and a value-driven mindset are key qualities every leader should possess. However, values stand as the pinnacle of great leadership.”

While influence is often highlighted as a key leadership trait in textbooks and popular discourse, Nizam finds solace in the power of values-based leadership. In a world where we witness the complexities of politics and the sway of social influencers, the unwavering commitment to one’s values anchors true leadership.

By staying true to themselves, embracing transparency, and embodying genuine intentions, leaders foster trust and inspire others to follow their lead. It is through authenticity that a leader can build strong relationships, foster collaboration, and create an environment of open communication and respect.

Nizam articulates, “Self-awareness is equally vital. A leader who understands their strengths and weaknesses acknowledges their biases, and actively seeks personal growth can make informed decisions and continuously improve. This self-reflection empowers a leader to lead by example and demonstrate the humility needed to connect with their team and adapt to changing circumstances.”

He added, “Strategic and critical thinking are crucial in navigating complex challenges and envisioning a compelling future. A strong leader can analyze situations from multiple angles, anticipate potential obstacles, and develop effective strategies. This forward-thinking mindset enables them to guide their team towards success, leveraging opportunities and mitigating risks.”

However, it is values that truly define a leader’s character. A value-driven leader aligns their decisions and actions with a clear set of principles, even in adversity. Values provide a moral compass, ensuring that choices are ethical, inclusive, and focused on long-term and timeless impact. They guide leaders to make decisions that benefit the organization, its stakeholders, the community, and society.

In a world that can sometimes be clouded by expediency and self-interest, a leader rooted in values serves as a beacon of integrity and inspires others to strive for excellence. Nizam concludes that by embracing the power of values, leaders foster trust, build sustainable relationships, and create a positive impact that transcends the boundaries of their immediate sphere of influence.

Influencing and Inspiring for the Greater Good

Nizam firmly believes in the transformative power of influence. One of the greatest gifts a leader can bestow upon others is the ability to inspire them to live their best lives and reach the pinnacle of self-actualization.  Aga Khan IV explains this eloquently, “The question is not only ‘What have I achieved?’ the question is ‘What have I helped others to achieve?’

He recognizes that each individual possesses immense potential, waiting to be awakened and unleashed. As a leader, he is committed to using his influence to ignite the flames of passion and purpose within those around him. Nizam strives to create an environment where people feel empowered, encouraged, and supported in their journey toward self-actualization.

As a leader, he has been fortunate to experience many proud moments throughout his journey. Among them, few are compared to the immense joy and privilege he feels when serving as a graduate sponsor, accompanying a new CPA from their firm across the convocation stage.

He proudly says, “These moments symbolize the culmination of hard work, dedication, and the unwavering pursuit of excellence. As a leader, witnessing the achievements of our team members and celebrating their successes is truly gratifying. It is a testament to our supportive environment and the collective effort invested in their professional growth.

To inspire others, he leads by example. Nizam embodies the values and principles that resonate with authenticity and integrity. By demonstrating his commitment to personal growth, self-reflection, and continuous learning, he inspires others to embark on their paths of self-discovery and actualization.

He understands that true inspiration requires deep understanding of everyone’s unique aspirations, strengths, and passions. By actively listening and observing, Nizam seeks to uncover their hidden talents and help them recognize their true potential. Through mentorship, guidance, and empowerment, he encourages them to overcome obstacles, embrace their authentic selves, and pursue their dreams fearlessly.

Nizam firmly believes that self-actualization is not just an individual journey but a collective one. As a leader, he fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual support where team members uplift and inspire one another. By cultivating an environment of trust, respect, and inclusiveness, he encourages open dialogue and sharing ideas, allowing each person to contribute their unique perspectives and experiences.

Moreover, he strives to create opportunities for growth and development. Whether through training programs, mentorship initiatives, or challenging assignments, Nizam empowers individuals to stretch their limits, discover new horizons, and unleash their untapped potential. By nurturing a culture of continuous learning, he inspires others to embrace personal growth and strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.

Advice for emerging business leaders/executives

Nizam echoes Simon Sinek’s advice in ‘Find Your Why.’He wholeheartedly endorses Simon Sinek’s wisdom in ‘Find Your Why’ and its significance in shaping the leadership journey. He strongly advocates for discovering one’s why and its transformative power in guiding decisions, actions, and leadership style.

He says, “It is essential to invest time in introspection, reflecting deeply on your values, passions, and the impact you aspire to make in the world. By delving into the core reasons that drive your actions, you can unearth your why—the purpose that fuels your work and brings profound meaning to your leadership.”

He added, “Just as the North Star is a reliable guide for navigators, your why is a constant and unwavering reference point in your leadership journey. He continues to say that it acts as a compass, providing clarity and direction as you make crucial decisions, chart new paths, and inspire others.”

He further said, “When we anchor our leadership in our way, we cultivate a sense of authenticity and purpose that resonates with our team and stakeholders. It becomes the foundation for building trust, collaboration, and engagement. By aligning our actions with our way, we inspire others to find their purpose and contribute to the collective vision. Our way is a source of inspiration and resilience, propelling us forward in the face of challenges and uncertainty. It fuels our passion, ignites our creativity, and encourages us to pursue excellence in all aspects of our leadership.”

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