Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for Entrepreneurs to Follow in 2023


Perhaps cost-cutting, margin improvement, investments, or reinvestment are necessary for your company. Or perhaps you’re still working to expand your business. Maybe now is the time for a change of direction and to rethink the business strategy. Some might even need to perform them all at once. Each of these trends may create risk or an opportunity for your company, therefore business executives and technologists should evaluate the potential effects of their particular plans.

You can develop a technological plan to affect a variety of strategic goals, such as increasing revenue, speeding digital adoption, maximizing the value of your data, or defending and enhancing your brand, by analyzing these trends. You can create your own path by considering when these trends will be most useful and recognising that they don’t have to be completed all at once.

  1. In order to reduce risk, Digital Immune System combines several software engineering techniques. This results in improved customer experiences. It produces robust systems that reduce operational and security risks through observability, automation, extreme design, and testing.
  2. Industry cloud platforms combine SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS with specialized, sector-specific capabilities that businesses can employ to more quickly respond to the constant stream of upheavals in their sector. These technological developments speed up vertical offerings, quicken the pace of product delivery, and enable global connectivity.
  3. Platform Engineering offers a curated selection of tools, abilities, and procedures that are packaged for developers and end users to easily consume. It will lessen the workload on development teams and boost end users’ productivity.
  4. Wireless-Value Realization includes everything related to the delivery of wireless network services, such as conventional end-user computing, support for edge devices, digital tagging solutions, etc. Such networks go well beyond merely connecting devices; they also offer real-time location data, analytics knowledge, and the ability for systems to directly collect network energy.
  5. Superapps are more than just service-aggregating composite applications. Superapps provide a platform for other parties to create and distribute their own mini apps by combining the capabilities of an app, a platform, and an ecosystem into a single application. Trends like these focus on speeding up tactics to tap into new virtual markets, facilitating business model change, and rethinking engagement with customers and employees.
  6. Applied Observability uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assess and recommend actions based on the data that a company emits, enabling that business to make quicker and more accurate decisions in the future. It can lower response latency and improve business operations in real-time when used methodically. This is one of the trends that improve data-driven decision-making, enhance the usefulness of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in production, and optimize IT systems for increased dependability.
  7. By employing real-time feedback to continuously retrain models and learn inside runtime and development settings, based on fresh data and changed goals, adaptive AI enables model behavior change after deployment. This enables models to adapt fast to changing real-world circumstances.
  8. People can mimic or improve their physical activities in the metaverse. This may be accomplished by transferring or extending real-world activities into virtual ones, as well as by altering the latter. It is a combinatorial innovation composed of numerous technological capabilities and themes.
  9. AI TRiSM enables data protection, data governance, trustworthiness, fairness, dependability, and robustness in AI models. It incorporates techniques for deriving insights from AI, deploying new models quickly, actively managing AI security, and enforcing privacy and ethical constraints.
  10. By 2023, simply providing technology won’t be sufficient. A framework of solutions known as sustainable technology boosts the energy and efficiency of IT services, enables enterprise sustainability through tools like traceability, analytics, emissions management software, and AI, and aids clients in achieving their own sustainability goals. Additionally, by opening up new growth opportunities, investments in sustainable technology may boost operational resilience and financial performance.

These strategic technology trends will support the demands of your company to scale, innovate, or optimize. You can use the trends to coordinate your technological innovation with your company’s long-term strategic goals and gain customers. Sustainable technology investments offer operational and financial advantages as well as potential for expansion.

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